SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

As for Moleland and his partner, I think that is low priority right now since even if one of them were evil, they can’t coordinate with the scum team at night if I understand the new noble class correctly.

Even if they were both evil, they wouldn’t claim it to each other. They’re probably getting to convince the other they’re both Adiart.

And they could be for all we (and they) know.

Also, it is kind of obvious from the crier message of who Mole’s partner is :joy:

prince could be scum


I think I know who prince is, but eh.

Uhh I’m Nightwatch. I can’t do anything about Occupied. Plus I don’t meet anyone last night.


How did I know you would claim that?


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Nobody else activate a day ability

@Damafaud use Angry bird


That doesn’t mean to stop talking!!

I did.


Hm. If people just died I would be useful…

Are you trying to soft priest or what?

Hm? There’s a priest in this game? Huh. Odd.

So… Rogue’s claiming Priest

rougue, why must you speak in riddles. just say what you mean, put a soft in there if you need to
but dont do this.

When you sleep, you shall not see, my devious tactics, hiding shall be. Pretending to be a spy, but for which side am I truely on, the one which I act, or the one which I’m actually now on.
The fire of a dragon, the beauty of a rose. Which one is what my heart knows? The change of heart and a change of pace, the letter changing my slight grace. Which one is true, that is up to you.
I may be normal, I may not be. Sometimes it is a lot more difficult to see. Seen by few, but actually knew? My brain does change, along with age. But, Order or Chaos? Justice or Evil? Which one will show my retrieval?
Me? Betray? No, not today. I have no clue, what I would do. So why not see, where the truth be.


Are you saying that u got cursed to only said in riddles.

Nope! I just like confusing people



After 1000 of confusion…

Please don’t mislead us, okay?