SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

But Thou shan’t see my devious tactics…

Glares deeply at Rogue

Also seriously…
Someone claimed Priest?
(INB4 Demwir Priest)

Hang on though…

How many Nobles/Aristocrats can there be?

Only two right? And I’m not referring to Noble Twins.

Few minutes before you post that, I think.

If you have a day ability, activate it now

@Damafaud anything?


Vote count:

Icibalus - 1 - PKR
Damafaud - 1 - Moleland

1 day 20 hours left till a night start

We can’t risk leaving this day without doing anything.
We don’t know if the Demwir group can convert. Can’t risk them being allowed to and us just sitting back as it’d cause an auto loss.

Or at least loss of our members and gains for them

Not yet.

Hmm… I still reckon that if I was Demwir, I’d sacrifice a nightwatch’s action to perform a night kill. We don’t really have any other leads, so yeah… I’d still lynch Dama personally.

Do we have any hard evidence add to how DW kills? It’s possible that a nightwatch isn’t able to kill.
I do agree, mole, that it is unlikely to have all 3 unseen be Adiart, and that Dama is at least semi-scum, but I try to cover all angles.

The reason this game is so slow is because there is so much uncertainty… I’m not sure what to add right now.

Jammy can be useful if one of the Demwir turn out to be a Cult member.

I would like to say/ask how I can be useful, but by doing so, I would probably give away my class, and I don’t want to do that yet.

Mole, did your day ability target yourself? You didn’t confirm Dama in that way did you?

Wait-- Demwir probably can’t convert people to it as it’s a kingdom. At least, we think the only way to become Demwir is being converted into their Cult/Unseen.

But Rogue, the only way that’d happen is if Demwir has a CL or MM.

I doubt they have a CL. Probably just gut read there, but they have a night kill and might/mightn’t be able to convert from the start. Therefore MM fits better if we agree that’s the only possibility.

I believe you’re wrong personally. I think somehow they’ve made it so Demwir can convert. Maybe it’s a mini Alt to an already existing ability? Like the Cult Alts almost.

Eevee said in the OP that the Dewmir have a factional nightkill, which by normal FM terms means that they pick one person on their team who goes and performs the kill. So they technically should be able to to pick the Nightwatch. What do don’t know is whether or not the person they pick can still use a normal night action, or whether the kill replaces it (generally in Forum Mafia this is up to the host).


Why do you keep thinking so much it’s the Nightwatch’s fault for killing or well using the factional kill? I don’t fully understand why Dama is being suspected.