SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I have unlimited kills so it’s a balancing agent I guess

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Then do you think I’m scum?

Normal paladin does

Or are you just wanting polik unprotected?

Seeing no alternative, I am going to vote like a sheep

/vote Damafaud

I have a question for Jammy just to make some sense in my head about the mechanics of this game.
Does your card say something like Neutral Blue Dragon Paladin?

If you want to waste a night protecting someone who’s faction isn’t even known then be my guest

@Methnor ye

For reference, mine is Adiart Aristocrat

Do you still have the blessing ability?

I think it’s still called that but I get to see who all the cult members visited

Yeah, that’s about right.
As mine’s not fully straight forward too.
I’m Aidart (Insert class here)

Just remember the hints I gave earlier <3

Hm? Oh right, Yeah, you are.

Huh? What do you mean by that?
I don’t expect you to have fully worked it out.
I was trying to be really subtle

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So. Assuming Dama actually is a Nightwatch (did he even confirm his Angry Bird?), are we actually going to lynch an easy way to neutralize the Druid?

Methnor gets it, but now I have changed my mind so we do the hard way now.

Keh. You will find out how eventually.

Is that all it does?

The thing is, unless you kill me, druid doesn’t need to use the day ability for a long time - they can vine on Dama and kill him anyway

Also I just think I thought of something. you said why didn’t Dama use his day ability and locate the druid right?

Because A. The ability was already used
B.He is not the nightwatch, and he is likely to be something like a fool or the druid himself