SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Why would a town motivated druid then go for Adiart? I believe they may still be neutral killing


I’d re-evaluate your suspicion on me Mole.
You might be a good player.
But I suspect you and I’ve already explained to everyone what I am.

The town motivated post was in response to Mole calling himself town motivated babe <3

I’ve been open about my role, my actions and the game mechanics as I understood them. As you can tell from the announcement, Dama was our scum read overnight

Likely to be Demwir Druid or Neutral. It’s one or

I don’t think the Druid is Adiart-aligned. Unless they haven’t believed Mole since the Day started, they seem to be killing indiscriminately which is never a good Town move.


But why though?
Dama isn’t any different from normal.
They’re fairly inactive, but does a bit.

You’re being far more pushier and quick to call yourself good. Trying to push suspicion away

Like I said

I doubt all unseen are adiart aligned (I believe Simon)
Dama was blocked and nobody died
Dama didn’t activate angry bird the moment he responded to day start - Impled not looking for scum

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Dama’s inactive af.
I’m not surprised they didn’t activate their ability at the start!

~How about this? Druid, if you are Adiart aligned, step forward and argue your case publicly

Ahem. Inactivity does not mean scum.

goes back into the shadows.

Also, @PokemonKidRyan Druid is just an arsonist who needs to publicly earn their ignites, and trolls investigatives and is occupation immune

My point, your honour.
That’s what I’m saying.

But that doesn’t mean you should be inactive!
Come here and discuss more!

I mean…
Join for backup.
You shouldn’t have spoke otherwise!
Don’t confuse me

The point here is: Do we appease the Druid or not?

Or do we go for Dama, who might be DW.

I feel like we should go for Dama. I still believe that he is DW more,a dn he hasn’t really made a good case, despite claiming Night Watch

Polik, if you have a day ability, activate it

Then why are we voting Moleland?

Pfft, appeasing druid is terrible idea. He can still ‘douse’ people and unless you plan on lynching him before you stop appeasing him, you’re basically surrendering Adiart’s power to him.

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