SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Hmmm. PKR was the only one that voted Moleland.

Ici also voted for Dama.

Did he?


Guess we have majority now then

Then yeah, Dama is on trial

Reading back, Rogue’s been hard softing priest so seeing if that turns out to be true if dama is innocent would be something to monitor

If Prince is Adidart aligned, then Rouge would be a wise suggestion to go for.

I’m not sure I trust the Prince. The person I think it is made a weird choice for a night one jailing, but maybe they didn’t change it in time :man_shrugging:

I guess we find out tomorrow

Everyone needs to put in their journals if they were jailed

/Vote Dama JIC

Damafaud is now on trial


Guys-- Neutrals can’t be aligned with Adiart or Demwir.


… what? What relevance is that?

Weren’t you guys saying they are NK?

It’s a possibility, more like invader though

Until further proof, I am staying unvote.

If I get converted we will for sure have Demwir NK on our hands.