SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Wait a minute as a neutral I can request class cards from the host

Yes but removing Occupy immunity for literally no reason does not seem like something Eevee would do.

Frost you don’t seem to be denying using every scummy defesne in the world, may I remind you.

Vote Count:

Frost - 2 - Icibalus, PKR
Icibalus - 1 - Frost

2/6 votes toward mayority.

Mod note: Remember that this game was designed mostly before the class rewamp took place.

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I don’t play FM, don’t pretend I knew.

The only experience I have is on this forum.

PKR is pushing me and he didn’t attacked me, more likely vines me

I would assume that vines are actually not announced to the player though…

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Okay, let’s see:

Chainsaw Defense - Defending yourself by attacking your accuser
Why Me - Simply defending yourself by saying that there is no reason for you to be lynched over and over.
Appeal To Emotion - ‘Taking away my win’ in an attempt to sympathise with us.

Yet you still deny you are a good lynch.


Because my life is more worth than yours.

Cinema sins would say this.



My life is an Adiart Power role!
Your role is scum!

Actual picture of Frostwolf right now:

Wolfy I believe they’re only announced to investigates who target the druid or someone he added to the vine network that night (Ici correct me if I’m wrong?)

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Icibalus and PKR is pushing to put Neutral out like myself since they know I can’t be converted, so sin removed.


I don’t think druid targets know they are ‘doused’

It’s a bleneder. Who said that neutrals cannot be converted :thinking:

Yes, we can’t convert Druid or Demwir, TOTALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY

Please just claim Demwir Scorned or Druid and be done with this farce.


Says the Demwir above.

Frost wolf is looking like a demwir aligned scorned - probably has some sort of power associated with getting all targets killed

Frost you are being the scummiest scumfuck who literally claimed scum and scumslipped the scum numbers.

In the scenario where you are innocent you are still scum. Stop resisting this.

I’m willing to believe he’s a Neutral Neutral Scorned with random aligned targets.

Scum team much?