SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!


(Yes, my body is clear.)

Oh wait…

I realised Jammy’s claim.


That means we have Cult?

Well (Invader) Cult-Aligned classes

To be fair it could just be a Cop with Smite instead of Scout… That’s entirely possible.

No. I think Jammy either high slipped Devout King.
Or they just have a feeling Cult have rolled.
Unless Pala can also be King who can also be Aidart this game

Or maybe it’s a memephase claim.

DId anyone get my Aidart Alligned Fool joke?

King rolecard was all the time in OP.

As we can have Aidart aligned Neutrals.

Jammy’s actually Pala which means Cult then!
Jammy are you Cult aligned Paladin King?!

Today is all harmless fun.

Like kindergarten’s playtime.

If we have Cult, it sets us on the back foot big time.
The Cult normally have an ability to convert.
I’m sure even if the CL is Aidart aligned, the Cult will be given something to let them convert too. Or else they’d be screwed too.

So we have to be careful already!

Also, Cult alts… If we have a psychic Cult member already, we’re screwed af.
They can remove the cooldown

I’m wondering actually…

How would an Adiart Cult Leader work?

I’d assume it can convert to Aidart.
@eevee @orangeandblack5 confirm?

Any other Dewmiarts in the house?

Erm… Dewimart is the name of the scumteam…

Nice memez.

That is also explained in OP:

I misspoke – I’m actually Dewneutriart aligned.

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Adiart has to stop the invaders. Not all bd are good aligned and vice versa though for example, I’m adiart aligned unseen