SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Druid has marked Icibalus for death!

(Sorry for no flavor, I’m traveling right now)


/vote Ici

Scorned wins when all targets are dead, right?


He really is gonna go out with a bang.

/vote ici Not gonna let him ignite thoguh

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Hey Eevee.
You know abilities don’t work while a trial is on, right?
So Ici isn’t actually marked

If prince is adiart aligned, execute frost tonight


Do not hammer this trial until @Rogue explains his role. If he does not, we Lynch him tomorrow

Fine by me, I get what I wanted.

Mole, we might as well vote them (Ici) up.
If Rogue’s being inactive, we shouldn’t have to waste our time for him

Dude’s from Australia he’s allowed to have weird response times.
We can proceed.
/Vote ici

/vote Ici

I said hammer the vote, ie: End the day

On the bright side, if he’s truely Adiart Squire then he will likely brought back to life next day and I get my win.

It’s win-win, so I don’t see why he’s so reluctant about it.

Vote count

Icialus - 6 - Icibalus, pkr, Moleland, Wolfy, Methnor, Frost

6/6 needed toward mayority.

Edit: Actually Icibalus self voted after the first trial mechanicly would end.
And as you know I personaly count mechanicly correct votes, even if trial wasnt announced yet.
(It’s not players fault that host couldn’t start trial cause he was sleeping or sth)

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@Icibalus trial is starting.

I’m ex Adiart Priest. I have been converted WITHIN Adiart. Now I’m Adiart Ritualist.

If Jammy killed Rogue…

I wouldn’t mind TOO much…


So there’s a cult leader, you say?

This as well.