SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

No? That makes no sense

WAIT. Small mistake in night results

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He can’t use abilities

oWo what’s this
Slept peacefully btw.

I maintain my opinion

So then…

Perhaps I didn’t sleep that peacefully as I thought then…

This game is complicated for Host as well, ya know?

S’all good, Glaceon.

Nah, eevee is more a Flareon. Need more fire in my life amirite? :wink:


me right now

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Scum “neutral” King then. Suggests that Jammy here was the one that attacked me.

I feel like you’re purposefully trying to make my job as difficult as possible

the good news is that I can, in fact, confirm that Wolfy is a cult member

That’s not bad for us though.
Cult =/= Scum this game

I am aware, I’m saying that wolfy isn’t faking and is most likely adiart

I will post my nightly findings soon but I want to wait for the hosts to clear and for more people maybe to show up and check in.

Of course, I’m trying to be pro Adiart while a “neutral” King is trying to go for all Adiart Cult? That doesn’t seem to be neutral, and does not sound to be her win condition.


/fos Jammy

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Quick note pertaining to my status:

I have been completely absent from these forums for almost a week now as my life situation has been a roller coaster. It was homecoming week at my school, so it took a lot of time and effort to plan for that (I’m on our Student Council) and build our class float. In addition, my cat broke her femur and my car was hit by a deer (not vice-versa). Adding classwork on top of this has left me with no time for hosting recently. I will remain busy for at least this week, but hope to slowly catch up and resume hosting by this weekend. Thank you for your patience, and sorry to @eevee and @Queen_Alfa for doing nothing with no real notification.



Real life takes precedence over things here. Hope the :teemo: -type gets better soon and everything else clears up properly.


My win condition is to kill every player with a cult class

Three people have admitted to having cult classes, and I have killed 1 and attempted to kill another

Wolfy, please explain, if my win condition is to kill cult members, then in what fucking universe is attempting to kill cult members not following my win condition