SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Oh boohoo.

I think you are scum.

One of your tells is over aggressiveness and a sudden decease in maturity.

I doubt it, you just to deny I am Scorned and I can’t do stuff anymore.

Then why are you pounding Wolfy?

If you already won then why do you care?

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Just don’t worry about it. He’s just a try hard Fool

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If the prince want to execute me night 3, he would have done that. Now I am living in this miserable world right now.

I mean if I were Neutral and I already won.

I wouldn’t care if someone is scum.

I would just sit back and relax.

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Wrooong, BD or Adiart would worry if the neutral is going to backstab them,

What I want to do is to vote with Adiarts, is this so hard to understand about my motivation after my goal is reached? I am soo bored right now.

Frost, I thought you were one of the top 3 players according to Alfa and Jammy.
But seriously WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!
I am hurting so much… Please, make this end



(and don’t worry, I am behaving)

Frost is supposed to be one of our best players.

he’s one of the leaders for goodness sake.

So he is acting very odd.

Are you sure this is Frost?

It could be someone else.

That’s rude, Polik.

Insanity’s trial starts now.

Fun fact: Hitting your head against wall burns around 150 kcal per hour.

Blender - makes you slim in no time!


Uhh, except the head is going to hurt real bad. Don’t do that, it’s not that fun.


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So, let’s get this over with.


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Don’t worry, I am going to reveal next day who is lying about the role.

Just my piece of deduction.


I claim Puppet.
That’s my class.
I have the almighty power of voting.
That’s it.


Sorry bout that Pollik

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So we can discuss things for real:

What would happen if Insanity have jailed someone else?