SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

And if your Brainwash is on cooldown, that’s fine. Keep it a secret from Jammy :wink:

Guess what; I am actually converted. How we think conversion works; it just makes them cult. Not Demwir or Adiart of the leader. I don’t know if Wolfy is Adiart or Demwir. I suspect he is Adiart though.

There can be different conversions though.
We could have an Aidart MM, Aidart CL and then a Demwir (Insert converter here)

Rip me.

Adriat Prince.

I doubt I can persuade you guys…

But first night, jailed Polik, he claimed Cult

Second night, forgot to jail. So because I want to hide from scum, I claimed I was jailed

Third night, jailed Frost, because he was kinda scummy, but then he persuaded me.

I think it is not looking good, alright.

100 percent defense right there.

I am typing.

Insanity, the chances of you convincing me is the same of the chances of Wolf being Non-Aidart right now. Which is as close to 0 as you can get

Yep, as you wish.

However, if you truly are innocent.
I want more discussion, reason we should believe you and the reason why the person who specified that you’re Demwir is actually lying

Contribute and prove to us to trust you.
That’s your only chance

From what I think…

I think frost is either neutral or demwir…

Cuz Scorned couldn’t even directly help the adriat…

Then why didn’t you chop his head off last night?

I’m going to most more thoughts in twilight, but I’ll also hold off on the hammer for now until there’s a smidge more discussion.

The problem is that the two people are incompatible, which means out of the two, Insanity os likely lying and os Demwie

Which that is possible the best lead on Demwir scum so far:

If Insanity flips Demwir Prince, PKR is once again proved innocent

If Insanity flips Adiart Prince, this proves Demwir have converting power or Methnor is lying.


/don’t decide fate

Majority is already execute, I can’t bring them back from the dead if they are Adiart so…

ripperino, my computer got locked in school~

RIP to that and RIP you in SFoL9 Kappa

Welp, atleast it frees me from one game…

gl hf.


Cuz I got caught~

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I’ve been thinking about this alot, and I’ve come to the conclusion that this lynch is pretty much MyLo. I have no idea if there are faction conversion mechanics at play in this game, and if there are and PKR was converted after my initial matchmake of him and a confirmed Adiart (which would be a pretty good move, honestly) then the results that started this wagon are tainted. The problem is I have no way of knowing and there’s been 0 indication, whether by deaths or Eevee’s OP. So I have to work under the assumption that there aren’t any, and proceed with the lynch, knowing full well that if I’ve been played and Insanity flips Adiart, there’ll be absolutely no saving me tomorrow and I’ll be lynched for sure (because there’s no way in hell anyone will be convinced that I’m not Demwir that got an easy lynch off on the Prince, plus all the scum will easily pile on).

It’s quite likely I’ve just been overthinking this way too much, but since this is role madness I’m trying to account for everything as I’ve been handed an important role.

PKR should probably heal me tonight, since Sketch is out of Noble protections.
I’ll check someone, haven’t decided who yet.