SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

This proves Jammy is not paladin king.

Jammy may have decided fate on this.

This is the biggest fuck up we ever made in the history of SFoL

The mistake is you are making people to mislynch.

We will lose two of us tonight Meth.

Me to Paladin, and then either you or Rope

Frost, you may gloat now about you Demwir winning.

Face it, we would have lost our majority noow


You don’t know half of it, Cult leader.

Was Insanity a mislynch when I suggested Day 3 he was scum before it was confirmed

I am voting whatever the majority is doing excluding myself, so what the hell are you doing if you don’t want scum hanged.


Since we’re going formal, I guess I can call you Demwir scum then as your formal title

You don’t have proof from investigatives or from killer types I am immune, stop making this up.

I used my ability on Frostwolf. Will let you know as soon as Eevee answers me.

You mean at the end of the day?

You’re gonna have to put it in your will Meth

Is it end of day? I got my Poke Around results in the middle of the day phase.

Yeah I am ok of this, until then. You have no proof I am scum and I am trying to help Adiart but the problem is Wolfy, he refuse to cooperate on simple Lynch or lose sitiuation at Rope.

Expose (Day) - Learn the faction of a player - 1 Use
Doesn’t say at end of day.

Me refusing to cooperate.

You’re barking mad Frost

The harder barks comes from you.

If he is BD, why would I vote to execute him?

So you’re making me look like I’m scum by saying I’m not carrying out things.

Hell no Frost. You’re twisting my actions to make it look like I’m scum when I’m not

Simple, is Methnor your living proof you converted him?