SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Are you fucking kidding me?

I didn’t start that.

If they were converted the night they checked me and Rope and saw incompatible.
It’s simply and opportunity to bus in order to gain cheap towncred and push me.
It’s not difficult at all

You also pardoned Rope.

You so did.
Wolfy can’t investigate.
So you’re the person who originally said we were compatible

Because of your lie.
Why would I kill someone who could’ve been Aidart after your fakeclaim?

That’s it.

Scumslipping and bullshit meter goes to the roof.

Nice to meet you hypocrite.
My name’s PKR.

I was all for pardoning Rope after Wolfy said that and so did you. I didn’t think Rope would flip scum after that because I was sure you were lock town, but he did, and you got exposed.

Your lie got exposed.
Get it right.

@Sketch I am not letting PKR have his satisfaction and let Demwir win. Methnor is your fellow Adiart and you know it.

I already have it right. You’re the one who’s been flailing at everyone today and you know that the only reason I’m up here is because Jammy doesn’t care who wins as long as I die.

Sketch, I’m confirmed Aidart.
Frosty is lying about N2
Which is obvious if you use base logic

Meth and Frosty are the scum team.
It’s you and me (and Jammy) v Frost and Meth


Yes, you win if you follow Jammy’s plan and bus your mate frost.
You know you want to.
Demwir auto win if you bus Meth and kill Sketch

Well let’s see…

Jammy literally said they’ll kill me tomorrow.
You will win no matter what.
So there shouldn’t be any objections.
@Methnor if Frost is on your side, you should easily approve too

Yeah, I confirmed you as Adiart. Until I didn’t.
You’re basically calling me the worst scum player in existence who took an unloseable situation (if I’d faked an investigation result D5 saying that you were incompatible with someone and get them lynched) and grasped defeat from the jaws of victory by bussing ANOTHER team member with the added effect of making himself look suspicious.

Jammy can’t kill you. You even admitted you knew this a little bit ago. Stop misrepping. It’s just more lying that’s easily caught by anyone paying attention.

That’s a lie.
Jammy can vote me tomorrow.
I’m not Vote immune.

Also yes, I am calling you the worst scum player in all of FoL history

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This proves Wolfy trusts Methnor more than you

I told you I can’t occupy :clap: YOU :clap: ARE :clap: NOT :clap: OCCUPIED :clap: YOU :clap: SCUM

Jammy believe you’re scum, Sketch wouldn’t be voting to execute Methnor