SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

No comments until eevee posts results



on request by eevee

Night 1 end

Noone has died!

Day will last 96h or will be ended upon a lynch.

Day 2 start

No announcement?

Suddenly a royal envoy walks into a castle:

Ladies and gentelman. My lord has asked me to deliver you this message:

Greetings Adiartians and Demwirs of the court, wherever you may lurk.

This letter is to verify that my partner Moleland is indeed an Aristocrat.
Both of us are Adiarts.
We will provide information to the court if we discover clues during our night discussions.

Our current consensus is that Simon had a slight Adiart read Day 1.
Our ace investigations will continue.

He walks away, leaving you wondering about the meaning of this words.

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I slept safely

Slept Safely

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Slept peacefully?
I didn’t sleep safely.
Anyway… No kill from Demwir?
Might’ve been blocked…
Hmmm. Also, any suspicious activity found guys?
I found nothing, have no reason to vote against anyone ATM though.

Guess we gotta wait for everyone to check in then

I slept peacefully

How nice of you not to murder polik

I figured I can just off him later


Slept peacefully.

You didn’t activate the killing ability In time, did you?

Nah someone protected him or he’s immune or something lol

So you did try to kill him?

technically I tried to find out whether he was a cultist, with the added bonus of killing him if he was

Do you not have test of faith just check, with a day ability you need to activate for it to kill?

ye i have that