SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

That’s why I said target player.
Also, that’s a clear lie.
Rogue got the ability of reviving like a Priest when he was converted.
So that’s a final slip and the biggest nail in your already constructed Demwir coffin

You forgot Sketch belongs with Meth as Adiart. I am siding with Adiart.

It’s 3vs2, not 2vs2

Eevee told me “You already used your day ability, no choices for you”.

No? It’s 2 v 2 v 1.
You’re not Neutral.
You lied about your result and being far too buddy buddy to be just Neutral

Also if you look at the class cards thread MAID DOESN’T HAVE ANY CHANGED CULT ABILITIES YOU NUMPTY

Yes I am neutral.

If you look at the OP things are edited for this game you numpty.
But again, nice weak attempt

gimme a sec gotta see if I have to modkill meth now

Rules say no screenshots. I didn’t screenshot, I wrote it down.

As then we can just vote Frost.
As I’d be confirmed

You are confirmed as Demwir, deal with it.

Yeah, in your dreams ScummyMcScumpaw

Again you’re just making up more stuff now to fit your narrative.
Not only did I gain new abilities that don’t even exist (even the Priest abilities have precedent in the class cards thread) that fit perfectly into what you need them to, but all that happened right after I was converted into a Seeker (that can’t occupy) and you conveniently didn’t heal the person you were sitting on all game when they died!

@orangeandblack5 are Cult points active in this game?
As it’d be illogical it’d be removed for no reason

Oh wait I forgot getting Waitress abilities even though I was converted into a Cult class. That’s my favorite conjuration.

How much do these cult point costs?

Oh and also consider this…
An AIDART Cultist said they had Cult points.
The just proves how weak your lies are @Methnor
You are by far the worst scum I’ve seen in FoL

Honestly not sure tbh, I was inactive when the Priest thing happened

I have Cult Points! I don’t have special Cult Maid-only abilities! That’s what I’ve been saying!

Why do I even bother? You’re just ignoring everything and making up the exact puzzle pieces you need to fill the holes in your janky-ass puzzle.