SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

He claims nightwatch

/vote dama

It would be helpful to actually know who he went for, because I thought the Bird of his is targetted to a specific player

Angry bird tells him who next uses a day ability, hence my annoyance it not being ready to detect the druid

Then I don’t see we should execute Damafaud for this.

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From what I assumed, since it is blender, everything can happend…

So maybe they could have occupied power, or not having it…

So I guess maybe voting dama would be a good way to move…

(Btw, it shows who are replying now, cool)

There enough circumstantial evidence to. Is there a reason we shouldn’t Lynch Dama?

Being occupied doesn’t mean someone is guilty for attempt of murder.

Not all the time.

Let give one night to him to prove himself?

Idk… I am just an noob :nauseated_face:

It might not have been druid though…

Because that would A. have been a night action
B. Don’t rely on the flavour text, so there may not be a druid at all

Hm, but it is Eevee who post the druid stuff.

In any case, someone used a day ability, and they seem scum aligned

But why didn’t u activate your angry bird once the day start .-.

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It did say in the flavour, not quoting however,

dead the following day

The funny thing is, you are seeing unseen as scum aligned, which is not entirely true.


Incorrect. There could be two factions of Cult and Unseen.

There’s a druid. That stuff about the bird landing on Mole’s head with the message could’ve easily been “The Druid has marked Moleland.”

Anyway, Damafaud can be used to find the Druid if he actually is the Nightwatch. Not sure if we should lynch at this point.

True, but we have no heal or anything. I doubt they would try to kill polik night one, and there was no push on Dama either, which indicates demwir wasn’t interested in pushing a mislynch here.

It’s an automatic day ability. I don’t think that’s classed as something you can activate on a player, unlike Assassin’s poison or a Knight taunt

I think the druid can only be neutral or demwir…

Since it didn’t rly benefit anyone…