SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Are you sure about that?

I am unseen Lel. Dama failed to activate angry bird at day start - why?
Dama was blocked and me invader kill happened - why?
All unseen claims, claim adiart - why?

All these questions can be answered with “Dama is demwir”

Wolfy, did you notice on player list?

She’s the king.

I did. Or did you forgot Wolf, that the King’s keep their abilities?

Short answer, yes you did

Are you talking non-sense…

Yeah right, if you’re right then I am seen as scum but if I am right, then you’re scum.

@Wolfy stop being bad

Do you think I am scum?

I’m not bad actually. More like the fact that this ddin’t appear for me when I was searching her ISOs with the search finction

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+ that he think prince was scum when it is only D2…

He’s not the only one that thinks that…

Does that make me scum? :thinking: :thonk:

I was suspicious of princes motives in jailing polik myself


Actually u could be a scum misleading the castle…

I think we need to learn something from here. We all need to read properly


Let see…

Maybe the prince was indeed the bad guys…

I don’t trust you for the dama’s lynch here, Dama might be not active enough to do day action and especially for someone who has not done role like Observer before, mistakes happens.

You want Damafaud based on mistake.

A Dewmir Prince wouldn’t have imprisoned another scum, and almost certainly would’ve executed their prisoner for an additional night kill unless they can’t N1.

*you need to read properly. Still love you though (Don’t tell pkr Tho)

It doesn’t state in the cards theat they cannot kill night 1, so I assume that they can kill night one as well

You know he can see this as well right, so toooooo late :wink: