SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

/unjoin Getting tired of getting lynched D2. goodbye FoL

:sweat: it’s usually because you troll, but last game you didn’t and you won the game for us

Don’t care. Getting tired of it. Mole your good. Hope you can do good things in FoL


Look, if anyone wants to talk about it with me. DM. Okay and thanks

So do we claim our Faction to the Prince as well…?

Claims BD, gets executed LOL


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Fite me 1 on 1 mate

Sweet. By the way, were you the Fool?

Because claiming Sheriff was a pretty poor play if you were.

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Of course he was, you should have disguised him as sheriff, that could’ve been interesting

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I was considering it actually.

Orange talked me out of it.

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I would’ve pushed for Mole’s blood lol

My only defence would have been convincing you all that Rogue was cult

Next time I am going with my first instinct.

My first instinct was to sacrifice Orange.

The other time it was to disguise Rope as Sheriff.

Actually my first instinct was to do nothing.

then I decided to take a risk and kill the Prince.

I probably would have checked Eevee after Wolf though :man_shrugging:

We need two more.

we need 100 more.


Disguising Rope as Sheriff wouldn’t have worked any better.

/Join uh what the hell I got time to kill