SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

So it’s policy lynch.

/vote ici

You guys should be able to work out what I am well…
After all in literacy, they do like, love me.
Maybe mentioning more even.
As I’m Amazing Aidart _________


I think I know what you are :stuck_out_tongue:

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/Vote Mole

That’s good one Moleland, PKR didn’t even attacked me did he?

Glad to know I figured that out correctly since yesterday (game time).

Frost, RopeStringFace is one of my targets, so is Icibalus.
Frost: Icibalus is my last target.

Scumslip, vote Frost now.

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I did, but I was just told my attack failed?

/Vote Frost
Sorry… But Ici has a point

Actually no, he didn’t.

I did swap with RopeStringFace along with Simon, but rope isn’t my target I lied.

So Polik, Simon and Icibalus were my targets period.

/vote Frost

Yeah…that was a bad slip.

Your constant lying secures my vote on you.

You have 3 targets, then you suddenly claim I’m your last one.

Either you just scumslipped or you are being really dumb.

Yeah… I’m not buying that anymore.

My vote is still on him so I don’t need to change.

But that’s my job as Scorned.

I am not even Demwir.

Remember you said we should be looking for Demwir, not ‘Neutral Evil’

This makes me believe you’re the Druid now, which is a worthy target.

Hmm. Hold off voting until I hear from insanity et ap