SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

In the absolute best case scenario for you, you’re a Neutral who is liable to flipflop to Demwir if the game goes south for Adiart. You’re not guaranteed to let Adiart win at all.
The only way you’re alive tomorrow is if we find out Insanity or someone is the Druid, lynch him, and the Prince is scum and doesn’t execute you.

Which tend to hapen to more to scum

So you slipped there as well.

Not in your favor today Frost.

I want everyone.
From a scale of 1-10.
1 being not at all scummy. 10 being top tier scum.
Rate me this game.
Then afterwards as a second point, rate Frost

Of course I am not in my favor just because the lynch on Icibalus is canceled.

PKR - 2

Frost - 100

You = 2
Frost = 9.75

2 is too unrealistic.

1.25 then?

Ok then!

  1. That seems to be more realistic!

2 for you (I’ve already stated you’re the only person I trust completely this game, but there may be mechanics at play I’m not aware of so I can’t give you a full pass)
Frost is most definitely some sort of scum so I’ll give him a 9. But he could still just be a Scorned which in the grand scheme of things doesn’t mean much unless he’s Demwir with 3 Adiart targets (which lets us confirm Ici).

He did kinda slip on the number of Demwir though…

Is that not suspicious to you?


PKR: 2
Frost: IT’S OVER 9000!!!


he can’t be knight so I doubt he visited Wolfy to protect him and yolosteeled me.

Frost, can I just say this.
Compare me and you this game according to literally everyone.

Do you really think you can push this ML? No chance

smacks my head on the desk

This triggeres me!

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It absolutely does and I was the first person to point that out when he posted it, if you recall. But I’m not discounting anything in this game mode until I see his class card in front of my eyes.

What role can attack then? Riddle that.

Demwir factional killer? Umm yeah…

Frost, read your precious class cards.

This is why I was calling scum team on you and Frost. That’s the only reason…

So in that case, I can;t give you a pass either, but you seem less scummy than Frost right now