SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

I Emerald potioned Icibalus!
Not Frost!

…oh my god.

I’m so sorry!
I don’t know what went into my head!
I kept thinking Frost all the time, but it’s Ici!

So now we have to figure out why Ici didn’t die.


Also Ici’s pushing makes it a TvS with Ici being Scum

What the fuck man?!

I was telling that I wasn’t attacked and you tell me this now?


On the bright side, this puts lots of suspicion onto Ici and you can win now!

Tell me about turnabout.

Neutrals for the win baby.

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You’re welcome Frost.
I’m so glad I helped you turn this around.
I did it all for suspense

Yeah I wonder how icibalus didn’t die by potion.

Aidart Alchemist here!
Yay :slight_smile:

I mean tbh, Alche’s perfect to be in any faction because I have infinite heals and a 1 time potion attack

I’m actually happy now that I was so indecisive and that Wolfy ended up hammering Frostwolf before I settled on what I wanted to do! This worked out pretty well.

You’re happy?
Hello ScummyMcScumface

Icibalus also made mistake to say Rope is my target.

Let me rephrase for you, if I haven’t switched Simon around with Rope, then Rope died in place for Simon.

Rope had to be target of Demwir’s faction kill.

Do you think if I was scum that I’d slip that obviously? Think about it a bit more, my man.

Already thought of it.
You’re scum at conversion cap for now

Icibalus could be Demwir power role, we can end this.

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Ici, Methnor scumteam?

I mean… no. Not at all.
I don’t mind hardclaiming since you can heal me, but I’d rather not.