SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!


@JammySplodge or @Frostwolf103 can you request to peek at adiart priest rolecard plz

Yeah, I am a bit. When Wolf-Kun’s part of my faction everything works so well. I know he’s Aidart for now. He’s readable as scum.

I mean, we literally bounce off each other. Creating a lot more usefulness

What’s your opinion on Rogue?

Hmm? I understand I can be liability but I promised I vote together with Adiart.

Executing Demwir by prince is more profitable for Adiart, that’s for sure.

As I said before, at this point I trust you the most out of anyone here, with reason.
If you want me to say why, I’m willing to claim my class at this point, or you can wait until I inevitably get taken out as I’ve probably make myself a decent target with these hints.

You could be demwir doe

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I’d like for you to.
If you don’t mind, that is

I’m an Adiart BD Maid.
I matched you to Simon N1 and you came back compatible, hence my trust in you.
I attempted to match you to Moleland N2 and got vines, so I’m pretty sure you’re in danger (as the Druid used his mark on Mole the previous day).
I haven’t used Poke Around, which is why I didn’t want trials to start. I was considering using it on Ici before Frost got hammered because I was suspicious of his frenzied push, but considering what transpired with your error I’m glad I didn’t do that now and that’s why I said I was happy earlier.

Should I have been attacked and lived with night immunity on, that may look like something Demwir have this, however you can guarantee that I am Neutral Scorned and I am only interested in my win I will get it.

Six executions out of total is enough to eliminated Demwir, if choosing careful.

I’m really hoping Ici is Demwir MM

I should mention that my Matchmake compatibility is with factions, not alignments.

So before the next trial starts I’d like ideas as to who to Poke Around, because I can’t count on myself living until tomorrow or on Rogue to revive me.

So I’m probably vined?
RIP me then.
Just what we needed.

Yep. Maybe Jammy can send a Guard for you, but I’m not sure if that stops the ignite or not. Maybe Eevee can answer.

Our best hope is hitting the Druid today.
As no offence but I’m sorta needed xD

The Prince can execute possible Druid suspect tonight if Icibalus doesn’t flip as Druid now.

Of course I don’t know if he’s Druid so don’t take me that I am seeing him as only role I thought about.

I agree, which is why I want to Poke Around today. The problem is that even if I find a Killer I could be outing the Prince.
I’ll wait until the trial is over and more people have weighed in as to what to do.

Mole might be a good choice? Idhac