SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!


@eevee @orangeandblack5 majority Pardon has been reached

Jammy also needs to not Decide Fate.

Didn’t mean to reply to myself.

@JammySplodge please… :expressionless:


Frost is confirmed scum either way, honestly.

Doesn’t help your case now if he gets pardoned…

Frost is a literal guarenteed scum lynch.

And why exactly are we pardoning basically confirmed Demwir, hmm?

Because there are bigger fish to fry than a Scorned.
So, were you attacked last night or nah?

I was attacked last night, I decided to keep it quiet to see if Demwir killer targeted me.

I am Adiart Squire, still untrained, attacked both N1 and N2, and I kept it quiet to try and out people via pushing me.
Frost has been confirmed Demwir for the whole day right now.

Now Guilty this.

You realize I can easily verify that claim, yes?
Are you sticking to it?

Yeah, No.
Frost isn’t confirmed Demwir.
You’re being voted.
You lied at the start of that day and there’s no reason to do that except create distrust

Yes, I am sticking to it.


And indeed, Frost did push me. That’s why I’m deathtunneling him.

Also, sorry, who’s on the stand rn? I presume it’s the confirmed Demwir (IE: Frost).

I lied in order to bait the Demwir! What’s the problem with that?

Methnor, as soon as the trial is over, ability on Ici.
If he’s legit, we have to consider voting Frost again >_>


Apologies, what is Meth?

He’s literally not confirmed Demwir

(post not empty)

He is to me.

I don’t see why he’d come up with a reason to push me otherwise.
He was attempting to sacrifice himself to lynch who he saw as the Druid; Me!

That is why I pushed the hell out of Frost.