SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Jammy! NO!

Also, he’s being pardoned unless you decide fate.
So :stuck_out_tongue: Take that!

We need an emergency plan if Jammy pulls a Top 10 Anime Betrayals on us.


Kill Jammy tomorrow?
I become King?

I don’t care I’m making my stance on the issue known

And besides, Jammy, Frost has literally claimed scum.

You have nothing to lose by KILLING CONFIRMED SCUM.

He claimed NEUTRAL

Okay I’m willing to believe PKR is Merc on Frost now

Jammy, we want the trial to end in a Pardon so I can use my day ability on Ici (I’m an Adiart maid).
Frostwolf is likely getting executed by Prince tonight or lynched tomorrow.
Please just don’t use Decide Fate for now.

Ici, you’re being FAR too pushy.
If this isn’t decided fate on, you’re gone

I’m saving decide fate for a cultist

Neutral EVIL

IE: Scum.

Jammy, Scorned = Scum, correct?

Are you actually kidding?
Nice job of not being at all active and proving it

That’s fine, we just need you to state you’re not using Decide Fate now so that the hosts can declare the trial over. There’s a majority for pardon already.

Not scum but could definitely cause problems for the BD

Investigators check PKR tonight he’s gone maf


Ah yes, but all the targets are Adiart, like me.

Jammy, I wouldn’t be mad if you chose to Decide Fate Frost as guilty rn.

But fine, lynch me and then Frost.

No seriously.
What drugs are you on to actually call me Merc on Frost?
I want some of what you’re having

I’m a Maid that can check factions. I’ve already compared PKR to Simon N1 so he’s either neutral or Adiart Alchemist. I tried to check him against someone last night as well but got vined. We have to deal with this Druid ASAP.

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