SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Jail and execute frost if you are prince

I’ll kill Frost if I’m Prince.

Unsure about Rogue now.

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I think Prince couldn’t jail during middle of trial…

In the game, there’s time to select a jail target before day ends :blush:

Doubt the Prince could change the target now.

I think he picked someone first…

Then after saw that u guys want to execute frost…

He can’t change it.


Calm down. Isn’t your goal just to kill Demwir like ours?


I’m sorry, I know I should be upset that an Adiart is going to die, but god damn if that response wasn’t funny as hell and exactly what I expected from Jammy.

I specifically requested the opposite of this

Rogue, I assume you can’t talk to the dead anymore?

I can cause the ability I chose.
I can talk to the dead and bring one back, however, the one I bring back can vote and chat but not do day/night actions.

Alright. Well, I’m not sure we can spare you from Jammy’s wrath long enough for that to be relevant, sadly.
I have some more ideas but I’m going to wait until next day starts for some more info. I’ll outline them in my journal in case I die.



Wait… Do you not win with Adi Cult?

Jammy’s goal is to eliminate all cult.

Well shoot.

(I hope people know where this is from)


You can check on me to prove I am not cult leader, should Rogue telling the truth then that means the cult leader is your top priority.

Whoever said who tried to occupy Insanity is more likely the cause of Polik’s death.

Well, well…