SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!


So a Cultprogieme that might be town alligned.

Hoo boy this will be fun.


What the fuck is even happening.

Still pretty pointless - just means you expose all cult to invaders if you convert one

Nice cult claim

Also, fun times if invaders get promoted to leader?

Totes, bro.

The Moon Spirit changes their alignment every phase of the moon – Adiart on full moons, Invader on new moons, Neutral on waxing/waning. :thinking::joy:

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I will just say that this is going to be interesting.

Polik is cult again


You do realize thought that even if I were cult, I could be aligned with you guys. God, this game is weird.

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Aye, cult comfirmed

You aren’t aligned with Jammy lol

RIP Polik, 2017


Jammy, do me favor and kill Polik.

Not how this game works guys.

The Cultist are not automatically the bad guys now.

Moleland claimed Unseen, but just watch – there’s a Neutral Prince out there with the objective “Eliminate all Unseen” :sunglasses:

They are in my eyes

Depends on the objectives from each class, some want to exterminate the cult despite on side of Adiart, Neutral and Demwir like JammySplodge.

Of course I won’t reveal my goal, but I am up for cult extermination as well.

I think you should prioritize scum-aligned Cultists.