SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Noble have their own night chat.

Then why isn;t he using his crier abilty?

I don’t think that’s likely,

And they claimed to be a Noble and not an Aristocrat?

He was busy protecting pkr last night. Supposedly

Wait, how do noble’s protect?

I can see their role.

Okay. They should probably protect me tonight. If I wake up dead, you know who to suspect.


Methnor want to know if your buddy can occupy people too.

Go to class cards, then come back

No, I wanted to know if they can guard me. Classes that can guard or heal me are at a premium right now and I can discover scum factions, I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who can at this point, so I want to know what I’m working with.

JammySplodge can find Cult who have likely allegiance with Demwir, you’re not alone.

While I agree that the CL is likely Demwir or Neutral (since according to Polik’s card they don’t share a night chat and their intention seems to be fucking with the Adiart with these conversions), that doesn’t help close out the game later on.

The reason why I asked if Moleland’s buddy is capable of occupying as well, stopping the cult leader or Demwir’s factional kill.

@rogue did polik form a night chat with you?

He is just a noble

That’s a shame.

Also as much Adiart want me dead tomorrow, this is giving the win to Demwir.


We have 11 players alive now,

Moleland - Adiart Aristocrat (can occupy)
Jammy - Neutral Paladin King
Sketch - Null
Methnor - Adiart Maid
PKR - Adiart Alchemist
Icibalus - Adiart Druid
Frostwolf - Neutral Scorned
Insanity - (claims immune to occupation, jailed or the prince himself)
Rogue - Adiart Ritualist (previously Priest)
Wolfy - null
RopeStringFace - null

While I said there are three, some believe there are two. What if I am correct that this three member comes from Cult Leader is Demwir then Rogue would be first converted player.

Hence the 8vs3 with Paladin King siding with Adiarts? That’s what I believe in theory.

Demwir factional kill
Paladin King

There’s likely three deaths awaiting to happen next night, it is unpredictable who’s going to die.

However if the Cult Leader is not Demwir and is Neutral, then it’s going to be four kills, that will be 4vs2vs1. JammySplodge may or may not put difference aside and help Adiarts getting one of Demwir executed, but if she decide to get rid of Cult Leader before Demwir and Demwir is capable of converting of their own, it’s now 3vs2vs1, the one is the Neutral Paladin King who will decide who win this SFoL game.

Baack to this day, if Demwir do have members in total, Cult leader Paladin King and myself represent their own party: 5vs3vs1vs1vs1

Paladin King
Demwir Factional kill
Demwir’s conversion
Prince Execution
Cult leader

Let’s say I am dead by Prince, Demwir succeed both their kill and conversion, Jammy got one of the cult (Rogue who’s Adiart or Demwir) and Cult Leader got one as well: 4vs2vs1 / 3vs2vs1vs1 / 2vs3vs1vs1 (I can’t decide which one)

I don’t know who will survive but what do you think which side will Jammy decide? Demwir with cultist still alive if they have one or minority of Adiarts remaining? This will be the worst case scenario to consider because Jammy’s goal is to eliminate all Cult members and doesn’t care which side will come victorious, but if she would choose for easy win which Demwir can provide that by eliminating the one of cult Adiart and in return, The Paladin King can focus on killing at least one Demwir Cult and what if Demwir is capalble of converting without cooldown? They got rid of Adiart by the end of next following day.