SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Very first night

I think this Insanity push is decent but the only thing I’m worried about is if he’s actually Adiart Prince.

He’s immune to conversion, so he’s either Prince or scum.

Jammy could Decide Fate this and kill the Prince if she’s Demwir.

Methnor could be outing himself as scum just to get the Prince killed.

This is very close to MyLo, so people pushing hard and fast concern me.

I give you my word I will not DF on anything other than a Cult Member

Let’s justt put them on the stand and get him to tell us something useful

I find it incredibly unlikely Jammy is neutral.

Even if she is neutral, that doesn’t mean there are ANY Demwir Cult members. So far they’ve all been Adiart, so Jammy might as well be a NK in that respect.

I’m thinking of hammering Insanity here though.

NK would have to kill Demwir anyway :thinking:

Exactly what I’ve been thinking.

There’s been too many coincidences this game

I’m going to wait for Insanity to check in before voting to prevent a Decide Fate.

there’s literally no coincidences surrounding my class

If this was the case, I’d be scum.
Who do you think is more Aidart?
Me or Insanity?

No, I think Methnor is scum.

I regret guarding him last night, but we’ll see what Insanity says.

I think insanity, frost and meth are scum (not excluding Jammy but meh)

I have an idea about this but I’m not ready to share quite yet.
I don’t have any way to readily disprove your line of thinking, which is very valid. I’m hoping that you and everyone else sees that my play so far this game has been solidly pro-town.
Also, the Prince hasn’t executed Frostwolf like everyone was suggesting, which is not an Adiart-leaning maneuver.

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Insanity Demwer Prince then?

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Also, if I was scum, I’d bus the person who wasn’t the freakin’ Prince for towncred. That literally seems beyond absurd to do.
Please, give me a smidge more credit than that.

Slept peacefully despite being jailed by prince.

@Wolfy You think out of false accusations, to answer the question who killed PolikShadowBliss: Since Rogue has become Ritualist, the cult leader can use the killing power from Rogue.

As for Simon: Bad luck, mate. Bad luck.

What did the Prince even say to you last night, Frostwolf? Jailing you without executing seems extremely weird to me.

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I can’t kill