SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

Hello Mr Keyboard.
It’s nice for you to return :stuck_out_tongue:

And definitely not me.

I can confirm that Rogue is Adarit aligned.

It doesn’t matter if Ritualist is Adiart or Demwir, they do have that ability to resurrect you.

So think again.

Rogue didn’t lie about his class though.

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That was obvious a bit.
But, what?
You’re saying a ritualist did that?

The Ritualist can’t be Assassin, duh.

I bet he’s gonna say it’s me again. Just watch him

If he does, I’m blatantly going to ignore him.

Are there even any Adiart Unseen left? I’m pretty sure there aren’t. I don’t think Adiart has an Assassin anymore.
Shit, before Moleland flipped I didn’t even know we had one to begin with.

Hang on…

If he was Assassin

Then where the Hell is

A. The MasterMind
B. What is Sketch now?

Wait, wait, WAIT!
We haven’t had a MM claim.
Does this mean it might be Demwir MM?

That was one of my two theories.
The other one is that there IS no MM. There doesn’t seem to be a Sheriff, so it’s possible it’s just a few Unseen without any possible additions.

As opposed to the Cult who have a CL with a Paladin in the game.

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Doubt that…
Maybe Demwir MM converted Sheriff to either Demwir Sheriff or Demwir Marshall?

I guess we will have to figure out who that liar is then

Can’t do that. If they are converted, they still with their factions at all time. They don’t swap

I don’t know. The game is solved in terms of classes except for 1, so there’s no room for 2. Also if one of the Unseen that are already dead were previous BD I’m sure they would’ve mentioned.

Nah I am too smart that you converted Rogue into Ritualist.