Short Fuse 2 Mafia Chat

Makes sense.

I think I’ll take a mafia det then

Actually nah

I already hold the mafia det

Plus from last game, people kind of expect me to yolo it anyway

hence my ‘nah’

I will go town then?

Pretty much everyone but Blue goes town here

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Do you know What no one would Expect?

what do you mean

The expected play is all town dets

To pick 3 maf dets

the spanish inquisition

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I think everyone picked already?

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Yeah - bit of an issue team, I won’t be active at the start of the day since I have mates around.


no idea tbh

I’m just gonna take what you’ve already said because intentionally lengthening n0 so the game starts when you want is a really scummy thing to do

these are the picks

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Anyways, that rando bomb on Blue I don’t think is pushable, alongside Orange or Solic

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I think we can push Wazz

And @Margaret at least tell us before you yolo.

This is just sad