Short Fuse 2 Mafia Chat

9 ig

not 8 like i thought

Turns out I miscounted

Heavy ass breathing

All we need is Hja to vote Solic and I hammerbomb


Pls be online

I was panicking. Apologies.

@Emilia ping geyde when ur on so he can insta bomb before hammer then bomb again tomorrow


We can do this!

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I have the best memes for if we win

Rip @BlueStorm

Got gotted

I’m looking for a way to end this today

All I need is one swing vote


I’m just going to do the combo

So the plan is for me to stay up until Boopy wakes up then do the wombo combo before they can stop me

Apologies Hja for wanting that replace out on you.

I’m just super spooked

hj lives in europe i think and is most likely asleep atm

Once Boopy comes on I detonate + hammer Solic + detonate

It’s all good, I just wanted to apologize to them for earlier

Ok I am back

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marl make this public pls

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