Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

He didn’t you think you had the guts to detonate

yeah, sure

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also im just wondering braix

if you wanted appel dead… why didn’t you vote them or push them much ever?
I don’t remember you doing that

Because I didn’t think they would gain traction if I said they were scum

we probably wouldn’t have won this game if braixen didn’t decapitate alice honestly

Appel was IGLing and it is hard to call an IGL scum

Like I’m not mad that they fucked up, it happens, but it annoys me when people refuse to take responsibility for when they’ve fucked up


Yes, you did as you didn’t give a shit about my alignment and just wanted payback for my “Morally Reprenhsible”, which is actually fucking wolfing 101, in quickhammering at MyLo. You were never pushing Appel nor bothering to solve my slot. You were simply trolling.

Appel had a Mafia Detonator

so you never even tried to say it?

or, y’know… asking alice to det it?

italy took a pure random for the sake of being creative

or say that that was your reason when you were playing the game?

Alright ima quote me

I did ask braix if hed shoot. It was p dumb but its not all on him.

If you think I’m IGL
You say “Hey, I think Appel is IGL and should be lynched” or just put more pressure on me
Not detonate a random person to get my detonator

In my defence I had a good reason for the Kyo blow up.
I only hurt Town a little bit.

it’s funny
town managed to implode in on theirselves so badly this game that the biggest problem to our plans was hippo
and even he got shot by another town

Apple/Vulgard was basically next in line for me after Cloned/Derps/Italy/EVO.

And since Vulgard was hard-pushing Italy I’d have gone for Appel next.

It’s called actually reading the game instead of playing like an idiot and throwing a tantrum because you can’t have your way.

Thanks for throwing the game, Braix.

What is IGL? I feel dumb.

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