Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Allow me to rub in your face that Appel was a wolf like what I said early d1 and then you accused me of being a wolf trying to mislynch her.


Divinity gives you power, how you harness it is when it becomes godlike

Alice you should have detoā€™d Appel tbh

Like that is my only criticism

And if Italy died or misexecuted someone, theyā€™d lose.

please do honestly

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Such as an example in Rokugan.
I knew Napoleon/Gypxy was T/V through divinity however I harnessed it wrong and went after Napoleon

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Italy played like a goat at the end tho so it turned out okay

but like
i didnā€™t want alice DEAD and braixen randomly pulled the trigger i was just evaluating her because it didnā€™t feel like we were onto the wolves
and i was correct
we werenā€™t
but as i typically do, i bounced onto different villagers instead (and cloned)

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Except that people here never listen to PoEs and just follow their own gut. There was no reason why Hippo/Kyo/Me should have been detonated while Derps/EVO/Italy/Cloned was alive.

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again if you felt that way, instead of blowing her up. If u talked with her and explained your read. She prob do it herself

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i canā€™t read people :upside_down_face:

I realize that, though iā€™ve had such a poor experience with people trusting my reads

To become a master of divinity is to wield infinite power that is unleashed upon certain times.
You do not find divinity, divinity finds you.
Message me if you want taught in the divine arts.

i guess i had cloned

After Italy/Cloned/Derps/EVO died then Iā€™d have re-evaluated my PoE and decided whether or not Vulgard or Appel will be killed next. Vulgard pushing on Italy would have made me kill Appel. Braixenā€™s just using this as an excuse so his gamethrowing doesnā€™t get actioned on.

I had cloned and Italy 100%
Then Appel I was gonna deto

you can read progression though

Please explain to me how I gamethrew