Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

I had to replace out n1ish, so yeah.

You have good points and all your reads have clear explanations behind them which youā€™re immediately putting out there without need for elaboration. I like your tone.

Comparing BotF and Anime FM he looks to be far less proactive as W. Iā€™ll keep this in mind to see what he does by the EoD.

fair warning
she can do this reliably as both alignments

i can give you the last fol game for reference

That would be appreciated

I also feel kinda bad because Iā€™ve scumread Alice every time sheā€™s a villager

iā€™m tempted to destroy italy and probably will at eod if he hasnā€™t done anything by then
iā€™m never going to get a read on him and no one else will be able to do that either if he doesnā€™t post

Just read clonedā€™s entire ISO there. Yeah, he dips hard as the game goes on as W. Pretty sure that as long as we donā€™t yolo detonate everyone by d2 that weā€™ll be able to sort him out easily.

some of her first reads in that game
she was starting wolf

I have a pretty good method to read Italy, tbh. I wanna see how he reacts to someone pushing for him to detonate someone first.

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Thatā€¦ moves her closer to the nullzone. Iā€™ll try looking at her posts with both mindsets.

i donā€™t know if i should trust you

youā€™ve just betrayed me and iā€™m still recoiling from that

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italy having evoā€™s detonator is highly convenient tbh

why do we have more spectators than players

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What are the players you V-read so far?

iā€™ll be honest my posts about italy are motivated by my overwhelming urge to blow somebody up and kickstart the detonation party and i can easily justify destroying italy because itā€™s not a very controversial thing to do at the moment

the posts do sound kinda limp, like he lacks engagement, but he exhibited a similar trait in his v game (last fol) so iā€™m less inclined to wolfread him for it

EVO hasnā€™t any groupscum games on this site yet, right?

i feel good about hippo and appel
braixen has been acceptable
none of these reads are solid because the game is still in infancy

i feel like thereā€™s a difference in approach between this and hippoā€™s urge to detonate but i canā€™t describe it

itā€™s like derps is pretending to hesitate while hippo isnā€™t but idk if itā€™s correct or even wolfy