Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

FoL27 was the only completed one, but I did read his past matches where he was a wolf and he’s extremely laid back while he’s very aggressive as V.

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i get it
you think kyo is a wolf
say why


can’t you wait a couple of hours

I don’t want too

I feel like if Kyo is Mafia and Hippo blows me up Kyo is just going to puppet Hippo and Hippo is never going to blow Kyo up

idc if that slot is mafia but killing it now makes it impossible to get any info from the detonation
it’s a good look for you at best if it flips w, and a slightly bad look if it flips v

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okay thats cool but your pfp makes me inherently distrust you

Aside from Kyo do you have any scumreads?

I have it copied

Alice can I make go boom


ideally i would like the first detonation to push the game in some direction
if the first detonation is the 0-poster, all it does is turn the game into an 11er most likely

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Everyone is spec chat is like “Why is everyone not dead yet”

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because half the players haven’t posted anything substantial

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Tbh I didn’t even realize this game had voting I thought it was solve through blowing people up so I was just going through the person I could blow up to see if their scum or not.

ouch, i just woke up

never said it was their fault
also i’m posting way too much

I’d wait more hours, tbh.

If they post anything substantive, then no. If they don’t, then yes.

Also why exactly are you asking me this?

do i accept this townslip or not