Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

yeah that’s the thing i mentioned earlier
i was trying to suggest to you that “hmm maybe after getting lynched d1 in there she would change her strategy again”

i want to detonate italy because that slot still hasn’t done anything and i’m getting impatient

I think he’s scum and I’d rather you defend yourself and not die so Derps doesn’t just free kill Town.

i think i’m ok with hippo/alice/drybones/appel villa

Can you elaborate?

I wonder how long Marshal’s homework will take
@Wazza could you update VC for us?

I didn’t think of this, tbh. So it makes sense why you thought that I was a wolf pushing on Appel.

cloned, derps, evo are my immediate poe
i’m not sure about braixen, i think he’s been kinda underwhelming in comparison to his village games
italy continues to be completely >rand

Like, in FoL27 you were basically going against everyone there and giving your own take to the game. Here you’re basically going with consensus such as how your PoE was basically sheeping Appel/Braixen.

I view things in different ways that others do that helps me solve well.

Assuming Kyo flipped scum, I found the entire team.

actually i’ll point you to that directly

meaning “i think you’re expecting she wouldn’t change her playstyle after getting mislynched day 1 and that’s wrong”

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But unfortunately that didn’t happen.

tbh I can’t prove this, but I never saw Braix’s PoE, and I only remember 1 wallpost from Appel

What is the reasoning behind your PoE?

the fact cloned dipped so hard makes me think appel should just kill him

Sure give me a moment.

ISO me, I explained it. It isnt a hard read, it’s based on tone as I have unexpected things today to do before 8pm Florida-Man time

I can probably find some wacky way to convince Braixen.
But I still believe Braixen is scum and if he got scum with Alice I can always 100% of the time holding on to Alice’s detonator there in that scenario.

am i talking to a wall
i’ve been asking you to explain literally anything you’re doing
you’re not explaining shit

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