Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Although if it was me and I was scum, I would have detonated Alice and try getting myself mechanically Town.

you blew up a villager for shitty reasons without consulting it with anyone and you continue to write these posts with completely unfounded suspicions and worldbuilding
if this is how youā€™re villaging then step up your game because this isnā€™t working

So if thatā€™s the case Iā€™m Surprised Braxien isnā€™t doing the same.
I guess heā€™s not taking the buss approach.


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Why did Alice like this post?


Because youā€™re basically making a bunch of senseless preflips based on gut reads instead of actual evidence?

and he also has my detonator so like
i want to prevent him from doing anything else thatā€™s stupid
i already feel bad for kyo getting detonated based on nothing

i feel like appel should just detonate cloned here really


he does this a lot

Also I think Vulgardā€™s just a villager here as W!Vulgard wouldnā€™t get pissed off at Seth causing the village to self-destruct here.

Iā€™m suspicious of the low-posters, but their earlier read made me want to clear a few people (Derps, Braixen, EVO) first. I can definitely see her be scum though, especially if weā€™re assuming Alice is V which makes the thing I mentioned in my ISO invalid/against them

this isnā€™t an iso of a player motivated to solve
his wallpost contains comments but no analysis or solving, just suggestions

I had my reasons rather you agree with them or not.
I continue to solve, Yes.
What was the point of saying the Bolded?
Seems to me like you might be Scum shading me but I ainā€™t in charge of your Detonator I made an oath.
Hippo and Italy are in Charge.
If Hippo Detonates me guess who they are looking at next.
If Iā€™m wrong on alice and Braixen then Guess who the team is within? Probably You and Derps so chances are Hippo will Detonate you before Derps detonates Hippo.
If Derps gets your Detonator then itā€™s up to the person behind Derps to detonate them in this scenario.

Alright Ill detonate Alice if she sayā€™s a specific word

before you blew up kyo i asked you like 5 times to explain your reads and you never did
then you blew up a villager


Iā€™m honestly more inclined to blow them up because I trust Vul.

@clonedcheese Convince me not to


Insulting oneā€™s play isnā€™t shading. Shading is to indirectly cast suspicion on another player.

ā€œLook, I townread you but your analysis is bad.ā€ - Not shading.

ā€œThis analysis is bad that there is clearly an agenda behind it.ā€ - Shading.

Is your only reasonings behind saying this is Strong Town or There isnā€™t a full case on Alice?

if you donā€™t actually think cloned is a wolf then talk to me about it
my reads arenā€™t infallible
in fact they are slightly above average