Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

its based on tone, if I push based on tone then I might as well do DryBones level gut-reads


Like, heā€™s getting pissed at you and Braixen, both who he townreads, blowing up or threatening to blow up his townreads. Usually wolves donā€™t get pissed off this much and just set back and watch the village destroy themselves.

i rrly have to start my exam at least 90 minutes before 8 pm guys btw, i swear Iā€™l give actual reads after lmao

do i kill italyā€™s slot for poe or do you still think you can read him

This doesnā€™t really matter being that you killed Kyo and not a wolf did.

It was a solved that I had the relied on Kyo being Scum, I also apologize I detonated them. I did it for solving purposes though.

If your reading this, Iā€™m sorry, I made a mistake.

hi hello
just finished with class

whatā€™s with what now
and why do ppl want me deaded

Alice is flirting with the explosive rn

Ask Vulgard

Okay, thatā€™s fair enough.
Please donā€™t detonate people on impulse Vul

Meh, heā€™s readable unlike row or cloned. Would just lynch EVO being that itā€™s a nightless match.

Alice pick a number

i do
because youā€™re not analyzing
youā€™re commenting
slightly good look for actually appearing in the thread though

hi vulgard
do i have time to read the thread or do you want me dead right now

Since you like to talk about reasoning so much, elaborate on your reasoning about the Bolded.

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nah i donā€™t want you dead right now

Like you are actually threatening

/vote Vulgard

thereā€™s no reasoning iā€™m just gonna give up all hope and start killing people in hopes of hitting the wolves