Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

I don’t trust apples

i don’t want to worldbuild here i just still have doubts about what happened there

:apple: :gun:

braixen stop being an ass please and just post a normal looking PoE


I wanted to explain my read on Appel, but I just couldn’t as RM4 was still on-going, so I was a bit… tilted, to say the least here.

Why do you do this to me

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Appel != :apple:

Actually, I more or less already explained it indirectly right before/as you were accusing me
But you ignored it

i get that
what i don’t get is why you wanted to clear yourself so badly
it would make sense if i had your detonator and you were afraid i’d kill you
but that’s not the case
you could’ve just waited


Evolved Orange

Also I was tunneling on you then, so I basically saw it as a wolf using the fact that I couldn’t explain my reads as it would get me modkilled against me, which is why I did get extremely pissed off.

See above. I wasn’t mad at being scumread. I was mad at the fact that I couldn’t refute that argument without getting modkilled.

Ask me for translations when I figure them out

For example, this

okay that’s a fair explanation

This one is a masterpiece

Fun fact, I’m actually an orange.

No you are an apple


Appelsiini means orange
