Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

oh you are gonna have a lot of people blocked on this site well maybe not anymore

I know I already have like 15 people on my block list

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I wanna do it

Jojoā€™s bizzare what ever the fuck is the most boring dumb stupid anime there is on the fucking planet

can I explode you instead
Appelsiini didnā€™t detonate me within 15 mins and now im sad

I have awoken from my slumber. Timezones are still against me apparently

I wasnā€™t expecting this kind of a slow start, but this is fine. Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out especially for cloned then.

you should have blown me up when I had the chance :angry:

shit i forgot about this game

ā€¦but it appears so has everyone else

The one time Iā€™m only 5 hours late :ā€™)

Anyway, do people actually detonate so early in the game? That seems really stupid, but from what I read people werenā€™t just memeing when they talked about that stuff

it is quite stupid yes
thatā€™s why we do it

Butā€¦But why
I get itā€™s almost a 50% chance but still
Donā€™t go around blowing people up

Itā€™s rude

because yes
welcome to forum of lies

Just saying, uninformed spectator chat has x3 your posts.

Speak more.

If only I knew what to talk about
I donā€™t know how to play early game when itā€™s hard to make reads

Iā€™m here and I have Vulgardā€™s detonator
Oh my

Braixen is town, I donā€™t think heā€™d threaten to detonate Alice so confidently as Mafia

/vote EVO

This reeks of scum, Braixen + EVO are v/w
Feels like TMI on Braixenā€™s alignment

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Is that so? Iā€™d see that more as NAI.

Why is that?

oh my god i have italyā€™s detonator
also i think kyo is reaching conclusions far too quickly and thatā€™s a wolfy trait right there