Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

i don’t have a tos forums account
i have a tos account

Town of Salem

Its the same thing


Just because I’m writing doesn’t me y’all can slack off on discussion

hi im back
and im gone again since i see that nothing has changed

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@SirDerpsAlot I’m taking a small break, while I’m on break, do you mind explaining why you aren’t defending yourself ?

SpongeBobs Wallet 19042020175443

Throwing Away Classic Costume and Putting on Black Suit 19042020175840

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Here are some self aware memes to spice this chat up

Ok my break over ig bye


…that post sounds like you know derps is going to flip town
it REALLY does
it sounds like you know derps isn’t flipping wolf
i know “lolTMI” but that sounded incredibly real

well “if they hammer right now” then derps would basically always flip town because there’d be no point in quicklynching your own scumbuddies in a nightless

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that… actually makes sense
i didn’t expect you to have an answer that makes sense

There’s scum within Italy and Derps 100%.

I think we lynch Derps and if they flip Town.
@Vulgard Detonate Italy
If Italy flips Town
@Braixen Detonate Alice

There should NEVER be all Town in there EVER

my game has greatly improved since fol27

just because you’re not allowed to blow more people up for flimsy reasons doesn’t mean you should go around encouraging others to follow in your footsteps

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is there any actual reasoning to this thunderdome

i don’t think i’m detonating italy today

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