Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

potential lylo
if all 3 mafia picked town detonators, then they can kill 3 town in unison
this would immediately out them as scum
but at the same time, in a 3v6 they would instantly win

the triple dayvig is quite worrying indeed

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People were worried in pre game about them all picking each other, and how it would protect them yadayda, i doubt 3 town were picked

marshal put a cap of 2 scum detonators

Yeah, but what iim saying is, between those two options, one was considered in the pre game as being really good

so why would they pass up, and get ALL town dets

because of the quick win capability?
i’m not saying they’re guaranteed to have picked 3 town dets
but it’s not a risk i want to take

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Do they get to discuss before hand?

no clue

i don’t think i’ve ever been in a game without scum being able to talk pregame

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@Marshal @Wazza Do scum get to discuss what dets they take before choosing?

oh i’ll assume yes then, i havent personally started a game as scum, just replaced

mechanical questions are to be asked in the classcard -marshal & wazza probably

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mf i cant read that shit

just quote it

yeah u right

it shows you it w/o the smallification

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@Wazza zaZA @Marshal don’t lecture me, i already know cLaSsCaRd

the thing is you’re encouraging people to not go by poe
and guess who’s in the poe
your progression doesn’t really follow there
you say you scumread sda, and cloned is null, but you’re also blatantly against killing them

idk if i accept this townslip