Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

accepting it would imply I offered it, I was just chatting with italy

and dont exaggerate my position, I am against quicklynching

we were one vote off

isnā€™t this a wolfy pov slip right there
how can you distance from a villager
why would you

a poe of 3
note for later

this reads as fake to me

and this is a post that looks beyond terrible if derps is a wolf
this is the type of post a wolf writes about another wolf

then thereā€™s some meming

about cloned

hereā€™s the problem
evoā€™s read progression is completely invisible
and heā€™s keeping it that way on purpose
he hasnā€™t really made any direct reads. he says and implies he has reads but never puts them in the thread and that reeks of a wolf trying to be as uncontroversial as possible

then he discusses mechanics and uses them to simulate a townslip
i said before that i didnā€™t believe the townslip, and i still donā€™t
evo doesnā€™t seem to be solving, and he kinda avoids voicing his opinions about anything thatā€™s happening, specifically when it comes to reads
he is also defending cloned (calling a detonation on cloned a ā€œshot in the darkā€) and derps (that post about "waiting for derps to defend himself) despite, you guessed it, not really reading them v, at least not in public
it feels like his reads depend on what is convenient for him, and as such, are not real
so yeah i think evo doesnā€™t look good here chief

Nice rando ISO

he was fine with having a poe earlier in the game, but when our poe shifted to the lowest posters and people who arenā€™t solving, he suddenly questions the idea of solving by poe and uses the argument ā€œwolves can detonate 3 townā€ which isnā€™t even his original argument
i canā€™t deny i find that extremely suspicious

That is the point. Why would Braix defend me if he was wolf, to distance himself from my attacker?

jesus christ Vuldevil, put your dogs away, we were one vote from hammer, I just wanted a breather

For someone with such an elaborate description of the Strawman fallacy as from my ISO on you and Aliceā€™s interactions, you are pretty blind to it yourself

That was based on tone, as I later clarified.

Iā€™ve also been doing reads for the past 3-4 hours, so a few opinions changed yes, that is natural and I wonā€™t hide my reads

iā€™m taking issue with your progression moreso than your content
your reads are invisible and like i said, it feels like you change them depending on whatā€™s convenient for you instead of having genuine progression on anyone

idc if it looked fake, my intent was to get the slot unvoted my dawg, not convince you im a saint

This seems like a stretch for you, Vul, like this ISO was forced.

You ignore that I have been making reads for literal hours, as stated. Do you just release info before youā€™re done putting the shit together? My notes are scattered and unorganized rn, iā€™m organizing them.

Each line is for each subsequent highlighted portion of Vulgards concluding paragraph on his post.

  • I donā€™t care whether or not you ā€œAcceptā€ my ā€œtownslip.ā€ I was mentioning it because it was relevant to the convo, I have no intention of trying to sway with a weak ass statement like that.
  • I have stated iā€™ve been writing for quite awhile actually. Before that, surprise, I had an exam. You can find that in my ISOs too.
  • See last statement.
  • You are intentionally changing the implications of what I did by using different vocabulary with its own set of connotations. I did not ā€œdefendā€ cloned, but we would get no fucking info from his death.
  • Wanting derps to actually contribute and not just sit around while they are lynched is apparently defending them? No.
  • Talk about convenience, you seem to be missing a lot of my posts that answer most of your inquiries, like when my earlier reads were asked about, they were on tone only because of time restraints against me doing a real ISO. They certainly arenā€™t convenient for me.

iā€™m not sure why i would need to force an iso while a villager is getting lynched (if iā€™m a wolf here and a wolf is getting lynched then what am i doing)

I never said you were wolf. Defensive much?

uhā€¦ no?
if youā€™re suggesting my iso could be forced then youā€™re suggesting iā€™m a wolf because nothing about being a villager is forced

Actually, that is wrong, Villagers can indeed do scummy things, Vul. Especially when emotional and or tired

Or if they really dont wanna be lynched and self pres works against them.

i kinda see where youā€™re coming from there
you still didnā€™t really convince me to change my read but talking back is good

You seem like you just have a lack of content to work with, and now that I am active, instantly you have something to do.