Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

vul had a crazy weird opening too.

Fear mongering = Scum

Town plays worse under pressure

and the ā€œomg im so annoyed right nowā€ is pretty easy to fake as wolf to try look townie.

hold on I have a statemate that made me susp of alice

everyone always goes ā€œarete go to sleepā€
but nobody ever asks italy to go to sleep
itā€™s 10:14 and i havenā€™t slept

It actually is

I realized I actually posted the older one where I didnā€™t add Vulā€™s pressure on me to detonate Cloned and the Hippo part is missing

I was copy pasting it to my notes every few moments


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Do I not exist

This made me susp of Vul and Alice to begin with tbh

Vulgard and Alice groupscum would make sense tbh

Vinaigrette is being added to my PoE

trust me
you get used to not existing

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alice was town u literally killed her

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I know, it was my greatest accomplishment

before u go to sleep can u do me a solid and detonate pls?

Wait a minute

200 iq tinfoil

I thought that individually Alice or Vul couldā€™ve been W, but I didnā€™t get there quite yet with the association reads

What youā€™re saying right now is that I have to re-evaluate my whole opinion about Vul

internal sighing

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Vulgard and EVO and Cloned Groupscum