Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

@clonedcheese det derps.



Dry, Hippo groupscum

More like.
Hippo, Derps groupscum

In case your blind

Are you blind today?

Oh boy, and another groupscum. I honestly think I want to vote Braix

Yes but would Braxien out their buddies sorta like that.


@hosts when is my timer up

8 minutes(?)

Honestly im not confident on that one

Ok wtf

wait derps is actually gnna quick det me lmao

I think Hippo’s tone and thought process were decent, but I still think it’s Braixen/EVO/Someone from PoE or Braixen/Derps/Someone for PoE

Oh wait I got you confused with DryBones. Flip incoming.

/vote derps

/vote derps

Thats not ok

guys vote derps before he kills me