Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1


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ily2 because Iā€™m nice.

Anyway Iā€™m making my modrant now.

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Im also personally requesting dead chat stay private

Mafia chat however, if there are no objections, can be publicized


i have no objections

none here
did we even talk much lmao

Alright I fucked up with Alice debt,
but other then that, my reads were pretty good


Yā€™all didnā€™t game hard enough


oh right
eevee yelled at me
@mods sorry again for the massping

so yeah
day 1 mafia win
weā€™re pretty gamer


Ladies and gentlemen, spec chat:


Also lol I scum read appel d1

I thought cloned was town and we would lose when he blew me up

wazza won because of his dumb passive
like a NERD
but we won before the lynch in a vanilla game

this is why spec chat has more posts than game

what kind of game has more fucking specs than players

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He was outed scum lol

Everything WRONG with this game:

  1. The Inactivity: The Inactivity really annoyed me, especially at the start of the game. All the posts were contentless and it was annoying. Not to mention the fact that the spectator chat had more posts than all of this, we were having so much fun in spectator chat and everything.
  2. The Town: Specifically 3 players, they all know who they are. You guys messed this entire game up and caused Towns loss. You pushed on Town after Town and didnā€™t realise Appels slip towards cloned which would show them both as scum.
  3. The Detonations: WHAT THE FUCK I DONā€™T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS. What were Town thinking?!
  4. The Mafia: Literally had to do nothing apart from gameplan at the endā€¦which messed it up and sped it up because of Derps exploding Hippo.

Darth Italius was so powerful and wise that they could influence the midichlorians to create a d1 scum win without having the mafia do anything

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Thereā€™s a lot more but I need a breather.

at least it wasnt d1 NK win

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If you are blaming me for town loss, please donā€™t

2/3 of my reads were right