Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

spec list this game was absurd
what purpose could you possibly have other than to laugh at this game


Excuse me I deserve actual MVP, thanks

i knew vulgard would shoot me for the smallest thing because he just really hates reading my slot
so i immediately started sandbagging myself to look really towny

You played pretty terribly IMO

donā€™t act like you had gamesolved

Meme potential was high, cheese

looks at queue


Alright, the truth then


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can we stop the ā€˜hur dur town suckedā€™ circlejerk
yes, they sucked

but you donā€™t have to shame specific people for it aggressively


Iā€™m going now. This game was bad. It should be buried forever. Farewell

I detoā€™d alice because I didnā€™t think they would deto Appel

that pfp is still terrifying though

Kyo seemed potential scum, that isnā€™t a game throw.

some people went for the memes, duh

but some didnā€™t
spec chat isnā€™t a nice way to look at the game
if you have shit to say
either play
or shut up

itā€™s just backseat gaming except you know all the answers

it was like 200 posts in

Iā€™ll admit, I made the mitake of detoing alice

By the way, @Braixen thanks for not fucking up what we talked about in your classcard at least, Iā€™ll give props for that.

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Anyways shit games happen it is what it is

Why didnā€™t you Deto Apple then?

Derps im fine with because he at least has taken responsibility for his play and has been mature about this.

But like dry and braix were hard to watch this game

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