Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Not how were they once the opposite
How did things devolve so comprehensively within fourteen months

Iā€™ll cool off, but w/e.

Just sucks that I got my reads extremely right here and lost because of a player who det me just because of a grudge.

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First it was because you wanted to get hold of my detonator, now because you felt too pressured by Hippo?

Italy, teach me the secrets of small text

Meta play isnt punished. ppl act bad on purpose and dont get lynched cuz theyā€™re townread

This wasnā€™t specifically to you, but thank you


Then why the fuck did you detonate me? Of course this is was done as a grudge because you didnā€™t give a shit about my alignment and just did it to get back at me for RM4.

Anyways Iā€™d like to apologize for my terrible plays, I wasnā€™t as active as I should have been, and Iā€™m kind of a dumbass when given KP

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@astand remember what I said in Eevee dead chat about town with killing power

does your thoughts change now?

Yes, I am holding a grudge because I didnā€™t deto you until hippo told me to

You were one of the four reasonable people this game, Alice. Iā€™m glad that you at least tried to solve instead of devolving into nonsense and memery. That alone makes you better than most.


Who were the other 3?

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Meta becoming more unreliable, if Iā€™m to be entirely honest

Appelsiini, Vulgard andā€¦ idk.

I like actually played good

Nowadays people donā€™t listen to town leaders, so in the end we see shit like what happened in here or RM4 where people just push on whoever they want because of gut rather than listen to what others say.

Other then detoing alice

I mean
On the one hand, being force fed by a quarterback isnā€™t very fun

What did you say then?
That town KP is +EV for scum or something like that?

Hey Italy played very well

Credit to him