Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Then I don’t see why she talked about my cautiousness as a sign that I was a wolf, since that’s just my playstyle. I’m honestly excited to see what it will be like when I first roll scum.

that’s… a fair point
i feel like she may have overlooked a couple of things she wouldn’t overlook as a villager
maybe that’s why my gut is telling me she’s wolfing

Because I was reminded of something else. Can’t say what rn.

as a wolf you have to overlook the villagery things people do to get them mislynched
idk why i’m saying that when it’s common knowledge

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Well, I hope you remember soon.

wtf i have 30% of thread volume i should stop posting

Which villagery things am I overlooking?

Why do you think that lmao

i feel like the fact you’re suspicious of appel is weird because i see absolutely nothing different here that would indicate she suddenly randed a different alignment. she has exclusively been randing village all the way until now and has always been cautious in those games. you know this because you played in most of these games with her, and it means you had exposure to appel’s village games

the fact you remained suspicious of her and didn’t mention this strikes me as strange for that reason. either you overlooked that on purpose or you are vastly overestimating appel’s potential skill as a wolf. i realize she’s played before, but from our perspective, for all intents and purposes she shouldn’t be able to replicate her village play near-perfectly as a wolf who’s playing here for the first time. especially since, like i said, that would be her first wolf rand here ever, earlygame is hard for newbie wolves, and all of her prior experiences were in video mafia, not forum mafia, iirc

in summary i think you’ve overlooked some crucial stuff in your appel read and considering you’re holding her detonator i consider it quite suspicious. this kind of thing can give you a justification to press the shiny button later and i’d rather not have her die and flip v (she can still be a wolf but i’m strongly leaning villager rn)

so yeah that’s one of the things i actually can point out which makes me think you’re a wolf

notice how that applies to amelia, who was town in a recent fol and randed wolf immediately after, in poisonous fm
the tone and commitment were noticably different, and even though she was ill in poisonous, the differences were still there

perhaps my explanation relies too much on my perceived judgment of alice’s awareness of appel’s village play, but considering alice is holding appel’s detonator and is apparently trying to solve appel’s alignment, i feel like appel’s previous rands and her general behavior in those rands are definitely things that shouldn’t be overlooked, but alice was kinda overlooking them here

she didn’t mention them at all, and while i could see her misreading appel’s cautiousness as wolfy without the context of previous games, she does have the context of previous games and should use it considering she’s solving the person whose detonator she’s holding. you want to approach the read from multiple angles without using generic wolftells

this is probably an overly elaborate read based on too little, but i think it’s enough for a vote

/vote Alice

I want to say more about this, but I can’t.

My main issue with Appel was that I’ve seen them be more proactive right out of the game when they’re a villager to the point of actually making pretty strong decisions and suspicions while here she has only made very lukewarm thoughts regarding you and Kyo. I’m not using Poisonous for reference so you should know what I’m talking about.


Please inform me that you do know what I’m talking about.

writing that was a bad idea, i got the hint the first time
still don’t think it’s enough and idk why you’re approaching this in such a manner

i feel like the above post is too vague even for me to understand
i don’t like this

my own post that is

Point is, that’s a very stark contrast of how Appel played previously and now. This is why I had my first suspicions on Appel.

I understand your post. Though because of global rules I can’t go into depth on why I suspect Appel, but I will likely able to tomorrow.

i think you’re expecting the wrong thing
that’s all i will say

and i find that kinda weird too

this was a terrible mistake
do you think derps posted anything ai?