Short fuse V - Day 1 [6/12] - Mafia win... Day 1

Why u think hell read u as scum

He always does

Remember to ping the hosts for detonations.

That, and only that, is why that det is not valid :wink:

Itā€™s such a shitty game to spectate aswell I have no idea why theres so many specs lool

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Lol I am not gonna detonate Alice until she mentions Hippo or I

Aliceā€™s First Word: Waddup Hippo

Braixen seems like p strong town and Iā€™ll be annoyed if hes detonated when in the next 10 hours while Iā€™m sleeping.

Tbh I felt expect to be ded when I wake up but whatever

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Altho I prolly shouldnā€™t townread memeing about blowing ppl up cuz everyones gonna meme about it lol

He seems aight tho

Scum is kyo vul and italy and theyre all in a row for maximum memage. Heard it here first folks.

Hippo I think you are fine

Please, in the future do not use discobot for this game.

Is that a challenge

Sorry if discobot got in the way of a host and a player not in the game having a conversation pls forgive me :pray::pray::pray:

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Lets talk

@Alice Talk or die

@Alice You have to talk or I will blow you up


If Kyo says the word ā€œInnocent Childā€
Iā€™m fuckin detonating them.

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